Private consultation will explore your constellation with more depth and focus by using wooden dolls, visualizations, and hands-on excercises.
Recommended for individuals with:
Psychosomatic illness such as stress,hypertension, respiratory ailments, gastrointestinal disturbances, migraine and tension headaches, pelvic pain, impotence, frigidity, dermatitis, and ulcers, insomnia. The session will identify the root cause by exploring your family history and hidden entanglements in your family system. (The Recommended consultation frequency will vary depending on the severity of the symptom).
Stuck/facing challenges in career or business. Such as experiencing work burnouts, promotion issues, performance anxiety, and financial difficulties. The session will identify the root cause by exploring the repeating negative patterns around career/business aspects in your family system.
Mental health condition such as depression and anxiety. The session will identify the root cause by exploring your family history and potentially contributing inherited intergenerational trauma.
Single Session
Rp 2.900.000 1
1 hour session: Suitable for mild cases or 1 single specific issue that is interfering with your current life or has become problematic.
Optimum Package
Rp 7.500.000 3
(you save Rp 1.200.000 compared to ordering individual sessions @Rp2.900.000/session)
This package includes:
1st Session
1 hour session: Suitable for mild cases or 1 single specific issue that is interfering with your current life or has become problematic.
2nd Session
1 hour session: Implementing tools and new habits about self-discovery in the previous session for real life use. From theory to practical application.
3rd Session
1 hour session: Measuring your self-improvement through accountability from your personalized goals.
Each single session can be scheduled once every week, or you can combine the first and second sessions in a singular session, with the third session taking place at the following week.
Selama pandemi, khawatir payudara kiri, dokter temukan tumor. Di acara bedah buku Meilinda di Surabaya, pelajari family constellation ungkap akar masalah di papi. Ucapkan permohonan berkat, pulih dari sakit, hasil pemeriksaan payudara bersih. Terima kasih Tuhan, semesta, dan Meilinda. Semoga berkat selalu. Amin.
Agustina Twinky, Surabaya
Membantu aku menyadari definisi keluarga yang semestinya.
Dr A. R Renjana
Metode yang telah memberi saya dan pasien saya banyak bantuan untuk memecahkan akar masalah.
dr. Kiki sulistyo, M.D., Germany
Dampaknya terasa sampai saya menjadi nenek. kesakitan itu baru lepas tuntas setelah saya mengikuti terapi ini.
Ibu dari Nina Tamam
Metode penyembuhan yang sangat dalam dan sakral. Beyond words.
Kiki Juliar, Entertainer
Terapi ini membantu saya menemukan keberanian untuk bisa berbicara dengan ayah kandung saya setelah 32 tahun dan terkoneksi dengan ibu kandung saya.
Monica Devina Puspita
Perasaan bisa menerima seluruh anggota keluarga apa adanya. It's really liberating!
Monica Xie, Entrepreneur
Sangat berterima kasih pada Meilinda karena telah membantu mengurai dengan sabar permasalahan yang saya hadapi.
Nina Tamam, Singer, Artist
Family constellation membantu menemukan akar permasalahan atas beberapa perasaan takut ditinggal, over controlling dan lainnya.
Silviana Ang, Daughter, Mother & Business woman
Family Constellation Terapi membantu saya untuk memproses semua emosi yang muncul dari permasalahan keluarga.
Sonny, Peserta Family Constellation Terapi